Trey and Jereme talk the week's Nintendo Switch news and Trey gives his impressions of Dragon Quest 8 for 3DS. DOWNLOAD and rate them on itunes or wherever you get your podcasts!
They also talk about
Okami Wii
Super Mario Bros Rom
Switch preview event
Best Buy Switch Preorders
Virtual Console Rumors
No HD Rumble in Zelda Breath of the Wild
JoyCon Battery Life
World of Goo
Sega on Spotify
Dragon Quest 8
Resident Evil 7
Dragon Quest Heroes
This week on NintenDomain Trey and Jereme discuss more of the Switch news and the Fire Emblem Direct. They also talk about the launch of the Wii U and the games they played the most.
They also talk about
Pony Island
Dragon Quest 7
Final Fantasy XV
Street Pass
1-2 switch
Bomberman R
Fire Emblem Echoes
Fire Emblem Switch
Fire Emblem Warriors
Fire Emblem Heroes
Fire Emblem Amiibo
In app purchases
Wii U
Super Mario 3d Land
Super Mario Maker
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Yoshi Wooley World
Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros
Paper Mario Color Splash
Devil's Third
Star Fox Zero
Star Fox Guard
Pikmin 3
Rodea Sky Soldier
Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Wii U Launch Games
Trey and Jereme watched the Switch Presentation and are here to give their thoughts on well they delivered the info on Nintendo's hot new portable system hybrid!
They also talk about
1-2 Switch
Switch Paid internet
Virtual Console Online Functionality
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Splatoon 2
Puyo puyo tetris
Street Fighter 2 Ultra
Sonic Mania
Nintendo Parental Controls
Travis Touchdown
No more heroes 3?
Super Mario Odyssey
XenoBlade Chronicles 2
Rayman Advance
Shin Megami Tensei
F-zero X
Switch Pre-Sales
Pocket Card Jockey
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
In anticipation for the the Switch Presentation next week. Trey and Jereme take a look back at Nintendo's biggest lauch, the Game Boy Advance! They talk about all 17 of the launch titles and rate whether they were worth picking up at the time they came out. Download the episode and rate them on Itunes if you like the show! email them at
They also talk about
Final Fantasy 15
Playstation 4
Final Fantasy X
Switch Presentation Predictions
Joy Con attachments
Gamecube analog Controllers
Wii U Virtual Console
Mother 3
Mar 10
Fire Pro Wrestling
Eathworm Jim
Army Men Advance
Chu Chu Rocket!
GT Advance Championship Racing
Super Dodgeball Advance
F-Zero Maximum Velocity
Castlevania Circle of the Moon
Rayman Advance
Pitfall Mayan Adventure
Pinobee Wings of Adventure
Iridion 3d
Namco Museum
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
Super Mario Advance
Game Boy Advance Hidden Gems