This week on NintenDomain, Jereme, Trey, and Jon list their top 5 Christmas games!
This week on NintenDomain Podcast, the gang talks Wonderful 101 for the 101st episode with guest Justin Vega from World 9 Gaming!
Wonderful 101:
Won-stoppable Wonderful 100
Team Unite
For the Future
Other Topics:
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild DLC 2
Floor Kids
Romancing Saga 2
Hiragana Pixel Party
Arms update
Mario + Rabbids
Nintendo Power Podcast
Viewtiful Joe
Platinum Games
Clover Studios
This week on NintenDomain, Trey, Jon, and Jereme are live for their 100th episode on to talk about The Wizard for it's 28th anniversary and Jon shows off his Nintendo Goods!
Other Topics:
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Yooka Laylee
The Game Awards
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC 2
Fred Savage
Beau Bridges
Christian Slater
Jenny Lewis
Super Mario 3
The Wizard
This week on NintenDomain, Jereme and Trey give impressions of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. They also have special guest, Janet Garcia (25:57) on to talk stereotypes and sexism in video games!
Link's to Janet Garcia's work:
Xenoblade Chronicles 2:
Gormott Province
Boss Battle 2
Blade Bonding
Nopon's Life
Mega Man 11
9 Parchments
American Idol Gameboy Advance
WWE 2K18
Happy Birthday Satoru Iwata
Video Game Awards 2017
Amiibo Unboxing!
Eshop releases for the week
Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Hawkeye Initiative
Sexism and Stereotypes in video games
This week on NintenDomain, The gang talks black Friday experiences, weekly Nintendo news. Jon and Trey try to convince Jereme of the greatness of WCW vs NWO: World tour for its 20th anniversary!
WCW vs NWO: Word Tour:
Ring Theme 3 and 4
Style Savvy 3
Other Topics:
Worms W.M.D.
Mario Party Top 100
Black Friday
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Jon's Miss Pacman Machine
Super Mario Odyssey
Resident Evil Revelations
Super Mario Odyssey Cereal
Yooka Laylee Release date
Def Jam Vendetta: Fight For NY
Ultimate Muscle: Legend vs New Generation!
WCW vs NWO: World Tour